The most tricky part of the game: what is an angle shoot in poker?

Most players play by the rules and don’t even think about avoiding them somewhere. But there will always be those who want to bend the rules for their benefit. That is why we will find out what is an angle shoot in poker.

What is an angle shoot in poker?

There is such a thing as an angle shoot in poker. This is a term that describes miscellaneous activities that are aimed at unfair play. Such players have only one goal – to gain an advantage and benefit from inexperienced players through deception. Now you know what is an angle shoot in poker. There can be a lot of options for angle shoot in poker. In this article, we will analyze the main methods of cheating that experienced players often use for their benefit.

Varieties of angle shoot in poker

As mentioned earlier, there can be a thousand ways to cheat. But there are very common tricks that are most often used by players.


This term refers to the secret hiding of chips from the table during the game. For example, a player is playing for a large amount of $3,000. He understands that he does not want to risk such a lot of money and, right during the game, removes several hundred from the table while no one is watching. Such actions are difficult to prove, especially if the player is not caught. But in general, you can’t do this, because all the chips that are on the table should be in play all the time unless the player decides to get up and leave.

Hiding high denomination chips

This is another common practice that can be seen especially often in tournaments. The bottom line is that players hide large chips under a smaller face value. This can greatly affect the strategies of some players. Opponents may believe that their opponent has fewer chips and change strategy. This is one of the reasons experienced players often ask someone how much they have left.

Pump fake

Any poker information is greatly appreciated. Any movement of the players or their reaction to any action can help them make the right decision. For this, Pump Fake was created. This is when a player takes a stack of chips and moves them forward while holding them in his hand. In this way, the player, as it were, announces his raise. However, at the last moment, they pull the stack back and place it along with the rest of the chips. The essence of such a movement is to see the reaction of a person and evaluate it to understand the opponent’s cards. At some gaming tables, this behavior will not get away and the player will have to make this bet. But in most poker rooms, this is par for the course.


Be vigilant and do not fall for the tricks of other players. Poker is a psychological game. Therefore, each player tries to influence you with some cunning tricks. Your task is to restrain your emotions and not give them the necessary information. If you are thinking about using angle shoot in your game, then you better not. Most poker rooms do not allow this, but the penalties for not following the rules are usually pretty lenient. It is up to you to decide, but in some places, you can get what you deserve.


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